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Interviewing Author KC about His Personal Transformation Self-Help Books: Chaos I: In the Shadows and Chaos II: Road to Recovery

Interview by Litscription | Featuring Author KC

Litscription: KC, thank you for joining us today. Can you tell us a bit about your background and what inspired you to write Chaos I: In the Shadows and Chaos II: Road to Recovery?

KC: My inspiration for writing Chaos I: In the Shadows and Chaos II: Road to Recovery comes from my own life story, spanning from my childhood to my adult years. It all began with being abandoned by my biological father—a man I didn’t even know existed until I was in kindergarten. When I found out that the man I thought was my father wasn’t, it shattered me at a very young age. Then, when my mother married a man who was abusive, it completely changed my view of religion, love, and trust. He justified his abuse as “love,” warping my understanding of what real love is.

At my lowest point, when I was facing a twenty-year to life prison sentence, I started to rediscover my faith in the Most High. I had turned my back on Him for so long, but I realized that trusting Him and building a relationship with the Most High was the key to turning my life around. Through this journey, I learned that forgiveness—both for others and for myself—was necessary for healing. I decided to face my mental health challenges the right way, and that’s where the transformation began. These books are my way of sharing that journey with others, hoping they can find their own road to recovery.

Litscription: The titles of your books suggest a journey or transformation. Could you explain the significance of the titles and how they relate to the content of your books?

KC: The titles reflect the chaotic nature of life and the transformation that can come from confronting that chaos. Chaos I: In the Shadows represents the chaotic, hidden struggles we often face—those unresolved traumas and the pain we carry in silence. In my case, it was the violence, manipulation, and secrets that shaped me. But the only way to conquer that chaos was to face it head-on. That’s where Chaos II: Road to Recovery comes in. It represents the journey of healing and moving forward. It’s about finding peace and learning to live a healthy life after years of turmoil. Purchase on Amazon

Litscription: What motivated you to get healthy and start this journey?

KC: Therapy played a huge role in motivating me to get healthy. I wanted to learn how to love someone from the heart, without all the anger and violence I had learned in my childhood. Therapy taught me how to communicate, set healthy boundaries, and understand other people’s perspectives. I also learned to be my own advocate, especially when dealing with doctors and medication. After years of misdiagnosis and being on the wrong medication, I had to take control of my own care. That experience taught me to never be afraid to speak up for myself, and that became a key part of my recovery process.

Litscription: Were there personal experiences or realizations that played a significant role in your decision to write about this topic?

KC: Yes, my books are filled with personal experiences and realizations. Learning to trust the Most High again was the turning point in my life. It wasn’t just about forgiving the people who hurt me—it was about forgiving myself and making a choice to deal with my mental health challenges in a healthy way. Writing these books allowed me to reflect on that journey and share it with others, in the hope that they can find their own path to recovery. Purchase on Amazon

Litscription: In Chaos I: In the Shadows, you discuss the concept of chaos. How do you define chaos, and why is it essential to understand it when embarking on a journey of personal transformation?

KC: I define chaos as the trauma and unresolved issues that we carry with us. In my case, it was the lying, violence, and manipulation I experienced as a child. I was taught that what happens at home stays at home, which I later realized was just a way to protect the abuser. Understanding this chaos is essential for personal transformation because it helps you see the toxic patterns in your life. Once you recognize them, you can begin to break free and heal.

Litscription: Your books are a blend of self-help and personal storytelling. How did you strike a balance between sharing your own experiences and providing actionable advice to readers?

KC: The balance came from being open and honest. I wanted to share my story in a way that would help others see that they’re not alone in their struggles. My approach was to be real about my experiences, but also offer advice based on what I learned through therapy and recovery. The key was to show that it’s okay to be vulnerable, to face your pain, and to forgive yourself.

Litscription: Could you share some of the key principles or strategies you advocate for in Chaos II: Road to Recovery for individuals seeking personal transformation?

KC: Some of the key principles I advocate for are forgiving yourself, creating healthy boundaries, being vulnerable, and staying away from toxic people. Just because someone is family doesn’t mean you have to tolerate their toxic behavior. It’s okay to love them from afar. Another important strategy is being your own advocate—especially when it comes to your mental health. Don’t be afraid to ask for a different doctor if you feel your needs aren’t being met. Your well-being is what matters most.

Litscription: Chaos II: Road to Recovery suggests a path to recovery. What kind of recovery are you referring to, and how does it connect with the chaos explored in the first book?

KC: The recovery I’m referring to is about healing from trauma and learning to live a healthy, peaceful life. In Chaos I: In the Shadows, I explore the chaotic experiences that shaped me as a child. Chaos II: Road to Recovery is about dealing with those unresolved issues and finding a way to move forward. The two books are interconnected—one represents the chaos, and the other represents the recovery from that chaos.

Litscription: Transformation often involves overcoming challenges and setbacks. Can you share some examples from your own life that illustrate the importance of resilience and perseverance during the transformation process?

KC: One of the biggest challenges I faced was seeking help while dealing with a twenty-year to life prison sentence. I was blessed that my wife and children stuck by me, even when I had let them down. It took a lot of perseverance to rebuild my relationships and find faith again. I had to stand up for what was right, even when others tried to tear me down. But through resilience, I was able to find joy, become a published author, and help others along the way.

Litscription: Many people struggle with maintaining motivation and consistency when trying to transform their lives. What advice do you offer in your books to help readers stay committed to their personal growth journey?

KC: My advice is to do it for yourself. If you’re trying to transform for someone else, the process won’t work. You have to want it for you. Also, remove toxic people from your life and create a support system you can trust. Safe words and boundaries can help you stay on track. Most importantly, don’t put yourself in situations that could lead you back to bad habits. Stay committed to your recovery and remember that it’s a daily process.

Litscription: Chaos I: In the Shadows may be seen as the initial phase of transformation. What can readers expect when they transition into Chaos II: Road to Recovery, and how do the two books complement each other?

KC: In Chaos I: In the Shadows, readers will see a young person dealing with a lot of confusion, anger, and rebellion. It’s a chaotic and unstable time in my life. Chaos II: Road to Recovery is about finding inner peace and healing from that chaos. The two books complement each other by showing the journey from darkness to light—from chaos to recovery.

Litscription: How do you envision readers benefiting from your books, and what kind of impact do you hope to have on their lives?

KC: I hope readers take away the importance of finding peace of mind and realizing that change is possible. I want to impact people’s mindsets, not just in my community but all over the world. It’s okay to be different, to think differently, and still be healthy. Mental health challenges don’t define your ability to be successful. A changed mindset is the key to getting healthy.

Litscription: Finally, can you share any upcoming projects or plans related to personal transformation or self-help that you are currently working on?

KC: Right now, I’m still promoting my two-part book Chaos I: In the Shadows and Chaos II: Road to Recovery, which are available online at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Walmart, and other bookstores. I’m also working on some public speaking events with book clubs and mental health organizations. I’m excited to get my podcast off the ground on YouTube, called The Road to Recovery Podcast. And of course, I plan on writing more books in the future. Purchase on Amazon

Author KC: If you’d like to contact me, you can find me on Facebook at AuthorKC7, on LinkedIn as Author KC, or email me directly at I’m available for public speaking events and always open to connecting with readers.

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